Thursday, August 4, 2016

Refinery 29...always a disappointment

Refinery29 is a great fashion blog. I wish they would stick to that.
They claim to be pro-women, but only on their terms. They are unabashedly and radically liberal; Claiming to be so under the guise of being Pro-women. Really, they are anti-Christian and have no idea what it means to be pro-woman. They look for cause to take offense at even a hint of slight towards inequality, even it if it is to the detriment of their so-called "victims". It's frustrating to say the least, I use their trend research for work...and inevitably articles like "I Provide Abortions Because I'm a Christian" catch my eye. Most of the silly ones like complaining that Sports Illustrated had the audacity to point out that female Olympians had gotten married since their performances I can ignore. But, a woman, a Christian, claiming that her Christianity is why she provides abortion?! I had to read. I have to comment. (Refinery 29 is unashamed about their pro-abortion stance..once again, claiming to be pro-women despite the awful ramifications for society, women, and individual women that abortion brings)

As I suspected, she actually didn't manage to mention Christ once, or even provide an argument for 'why' abortion is a Christian action. She merely pleaded for people to stop judging her (or, more accurately, that they stop telling her to repent). She had a platform to reach a largely unchurched, unChristian populous on their turf...and she completely squandered it by not sharing her faith even a little bit. She doesn't talk about her love of Christ, about the comfort he brings in this broken world, only points a finger at her fellow Christians and accuses them of not loving her enough and judges them for not condoning her actions, which we (all of orthodox Christendom) consider murder. This article will inspire no one to visit a church. It won't inspire anyone to pick up a Bible. It only serves to make you feel sorry for the women that go to visit her and wonder how, we as a society can do better for them. Women deserve better than abortion.


Text below, my comments in bold.